One of those things...

It was a cold dark night
Just after a heavy down pour
Walking home after a busy day
Lord knows i was so knacked

Phone rings
Picked up, smiled
Hi dad, wassup i said
Lost in my world as passed by this drunken soul
I wasn't looking, i was just talking.

Then i heard words i can't make out
Thot it was a brotha blasting in tongues
It got louder and i looked back
Zipping up his pants and looking straight at me

Saw his mouth move, then the words follow
He's drunk but i bet he meant every word he said
Go home, you don't belong here $*...t or something like that.
Most of what he said i didn't hear
Maybe i heard but choose to ignore them.

Dad asked, what's going on?
I replied, just passing by a pub.
If it had been in another location...
In another part of the world.
If it had been in a place i call home

The story'll definately be different

He was a company for a while
Then he turned back
To finish his drink i guessed
And i'm left alone again
To continue my conversation in peace.


Anonymous said…
Some racist words huh.
Sometimes it gets to you but look on the bright side have a focus in life, he doesn't

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