Does it matter

Does it matter that we're different
..of different background and culture
Does matter that you are white
Does it that I'm black
Does it matter that you're taller
or that you consider yourself finer
Does it matter that you're richer
Does it matter that you're poorer
Does it matter?
Does it make you feel good?
Does it make you feel better
I bet your blood is white too
or maybe black
I bet you have two hearts too..isn't it so?

Does it matter that you're you
And I'm me

Can't we just be friends
or at least tolerate each other

See the's wide enough for all the birds the Maker created
To fly without them getting in each others way
See this world
It's big enough...
For you and me to do our things without hating on each other.

Now i'm not saying you should like me but can't you just ignore me

I'm not soliciting you love the world, but you don't have to hate it either


Ms. Catwalq said…
Does it matter that the person has no answer?
Kunta said…
Catwalk: hmmm ..Does it? I don't think so.

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