"What you get by reaching your
destination is not nearly as
important as what you will become
by reaching your destination."
- Zig Ziglar
Never say you can’t…
Those who have done it don’t have two heads
Those who have achieved it probably don’t have what you’ve got
You have what it takes to be everything you want to be
It all starts from the inside
Work hard and have faith
Believe in your dreams
Believe in yourself
It’s a long road so keep on keeping on.
Carry with you all you may need for your journey
But don’t forget to wear a smile… always
destination is not nearly as
important as what you will become
by reaching your destination."
- Zig Ziglar
Never say you can’t…
Those who have done it don’t have two heads
Those who have achieved it probably don’t have what you’ve got
You have what it takes to be everything you want to be
It all starts from the inside
Work hard and have faith
Believe in your dreams
Believe in yourself
It’s a long road so keep on keeping on.
Carry with you all you may need for your journey
But don’t forget to wear a smile… always