Private Universities... New craze....

Just read that a former Gov is about to open his own University. Click here for the full story.

The question at the back on my mind is,'Why another institution'?
Maybe I am wrong to think this way.

Nigeria as a nation at times compare herself to the United States Of America but then fail to understand that the USA is a continent on its own and not a country.

After about 75 Federal, State and church owned Universities

Is what we need another University?

Where did this Governor get the money to setup this institution?

Where did they all?

Obasanjo established a university - Bells University of Technology (BUT)

Atiku established a university - ABTI-American University

Nnamani (ex Gov) runs the affairs of Renaissance University

and now ex Gov. Orji Kalu

Of course there are others I do not know

If I may ask...

What happened to upgrading existing infrastructures?

What happened to creating more jobs

...Not for lecturers and Professors now but for the millions of unemployed graduates - products of the existing universities.

How much are these government officials really worth before they start their 'Service' to the nation?

How much can we say they worth after their 'Service'?

It seems to me that they are doing a dis-service to the nation and us citizens.

It is amazing how ideals and character can grow wings and fly away into oblivion

How promises can be broken like an egg in the hands of a growing child learning how to cook from mama

How a nation can suffer lack and yet they are not bothered

They care less to the cry in the hearts of all citizens

Not in the least ashamed of their despicable actions

...This is a classic case of using Abu's money to entertain Abu himself.

What is the solution?

Don't ask me ...because i don't know.


Sumptuous said…
I really dont subscribe to setting up more private uni's but it seems this is the craze and wat they wanna do with 'embezzled' money. On the bright side, they help to decongest secular uni's. Maybe this is their way of helping instead of upgrading already existing ones. It's not the best but at least they are doing sumtin. I had to battle JAMB for 3 years to no avail, private Uni rescued me.
Well, there is demand for better educational facilities in the country after all Nigerians boost the UK economy to the tune of N246 billion on education alone.

If the government will not improve public institutions, then private individuals and groups will. And, Nigerians clamoring to educate their children will not care where the institution (or its founder) got the money to set it up as long as it educates their offspring


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