The Call
Phone rings Him: Hey, wassup. Her: Hi Him: To what do i owe this honor Her: Come on, but i always call. Him: Really...Last time i checked, you told me you'd call back in bit...and that was 4weeks ago. Her: I was busy... i had things to do Him: Oh, ok. So now you're a lil less busy right? Her: Yeah...How are you doing anyway? Him: Fine, couldn't be better. See, i'm about to hit the road. Mind calling back in about 15mins? I'll be home then. Her. Ok. this time i will. Him: I'm not counting on it tho but hope you do. ...15Mins later Phone rings Him: Hey Her: Hi... See. I told you Him: I'm impressed Her: So, how are you doing? Him: I'm great. Work's fine, Life's good, God's awesome. Her: I've been meaning to ask you a question. Him: Oh really, fire away then. Her: Why didn't you ask me out? Him: I was going to, that's the reason i came over to your city. Her: You never said you were coming to see me, thot you came to see your friends...