
Showing posts from November, 2007

Wait a minute...

Just before you walk out that door. Just before you decide you've had enough Just before you start thinking that you can't take it anymore Think it through. Don't rush to making the decision. Don't jump to conclusion. Don't lose that hope Don't throw all cautions to the wind. Yes it's true i don't feel your pain And it is more true that i may never understand what you're going through But trust me... some had had it worse than you. And others have seen things you can only imagine...and guess what? They are still standing. In the midst of the storm...they found a lifeline. In the darkest of all nights...they saw the light at the very end of the tunnel. Against all hope... they dared to still hope. They dared to believe They dared to trust They dared to love... just one more time They dared to be at peace with themselves They dared to hold up a brother even when they wished someone's holding them up. It ain't easy...but who said it will be. Don...

Moving on.

I think its high time i started thinking of changing jobs. Now i love my job, i enjoy what i do, i have wonderful colleagues (Its aint easy to be the only 'dudu' in an 'oyinbo dominated' office and we all work together as a team (not i can't say i know what's on their minds...but then i don't really want to know)... but i just have this gut feeling that the time to move on is nearer than i think.


Today is a beautiful day. Not that it didn't come with its own heart ache Not that it didn't come with its share of pain ...but because our lives is really what we make out of it. Today... some people are laughing and some are crying Some are happy, others are sad. Some made it through this hour, others simply don't Some had it easy, some are thankful... that the pressure only made them stronger. Some are fainting, some are rising. Some won, some lost Some died, some lived. Some risked, some couldn't Some are living, some are just existing. Some failed, some excelled. Some are tired of trying, some just to give it one more shot. Some have lost hope, some just found it. This is the life we live in. Maybe it's our cross, maybe its a calling. Maybe it's just want it is...Life. Really, it is what we make out of it. It is how look at it. If our approach to it is not working...maybe it's time to re-evaluate things Change tactics...move on Afterall, he that is down...